News culture UK: Vehicles stolen with … GameBoy ?!
Here we are facing apparently banal news: a trio of thieves were arrested near Leeds after having stolen several cars. Except that the tool used to bypass electronic security evokes a device well known to gamers.
The three English thieves, aged between 29 and 33, were in fact using £ 20,000 device to hack into keyless car access. Specifically, it was about various outsiders from Mitshubishi, with a unit value of around £ 40,000. The circumstances of his arrest do not matter to us here, but the tool used intrigues, because it looks like the GameBoy from Nintendo! Directional crosshair, shape, start and select buttons, speaker placement – in short, it’s all there. Obviously, the police were quite astonished to see this object, and must have looked at its components to realize what it really was.
Nevertheless, a demanding player will quickly notice the differencesIn particular with the presence of the X and Y buttons, that of an unidentified center button, and the switching of the start / select buttons, but the gist is there. Thanks to this very special GameBoy, thieves were able to unlock specific vehicles and get them going in less than a minute according to local police.
- Sources: Yorkshire Evening Post / Leeds Crown Court
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