Microsoft Flight Simulator: UK available in next update

Game News Microsoft Flight Simulator: UK available in next update

Just two days after releasing its latest major update, Asobo Studio has already announced that the UK will be the next country to fly in its aerial simulator.

Last Tuesday, Microsoft Flight Simulator welcomed its new destination, the United States, with 4 new airports and about 50 additional points of interest. But Asobo Studio does not intend to stop there. In a live question and answer session, The French study has revealed that the UK can be flown in the next update available on January 26.

Among the take-off zones that players can look forward to, developers mentioned Manchester Barton, Liverpool John-Lennon Airport or Land’s End Airfield. If the study has a lot of information on England, Wales and Scotland so far, it is still trying to collect as much data as possible not only on Northern Ireland, but on all of Ireland. This update would also be accompanied by between 50 and 60 new points of interest., as for the United States, and would also incorporate new landing challenges, as well as more procedurally generated buildings.

In addition to detailing its next update, Asobo Studio took the opportunity to review its roadmap and better explain its intentions. Currently, the developers intend to alternate every two to three months between an update aimed at the simulation aspect of the title and another that brings a new area to the game, all interspersed with even more important elements that the study cannot currently discuss.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is available for PC, especially thanks to Xbox Game Pass.

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