The South Korean Netflix series Squid Game is enjoying worldwide success. In the first four weeks, 111 million official subscribers have already watched the series on the streaming service – that’s a record start. But the great variety has its downsides.
Children in a schoolyard in Belgium and on playgrounds in Britain have reenacted brutal games in which losers are punished with death, so teachers warn against the film, which is actually just approved for ages 16 and over.
Melissa Henson from the Parents Television and Media Council in the US says the movie is also known to younger audiences through platforms like YouTube. He was surprised: “My son, who is only 13 years old, knows’ Squid Game ‘. And I asked him:’ Where in the world did you hear about ‘Squid Game’? And he says: ‘There are videos on YouTube’. There are fans who they create video games with the story of ‘Squid Game.
And how do you explain the success of SQUID GAME, which reminds many of the Cannes-winning film PARASITE?
Korean expert Joan MacDonald says: “The film is original, with good actors, well produced, and the message of social inequality is very strong in ‘Squid Game’, similar to ‘Parasite’. You really have the feeling that people from Squid The game, no matter how hard they try to make the system against them, cannot be successful.
And the Dalgona cookies?
Thanks to SQUID GAME, small Dalgona cookies, which are also called honeycombs and which many Koreans associate with childhood memories, are now popular. In China, where the series has just started, there is a great rush for Dalgona sweets.
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