Taboola offers news on Xiaomi smartphones – ADZINE

Taboola News offers personalized content from the platform’s global network of publishers. New user touch points are created to drive engagement and sales for wireless service providers, device manufacturers, publishers, and brands. This is done, on the one hand, by integrating a general description of the article on the screens and browsers of smartphones; on the other hand, push messages with relevant content are sent to the lock screen as long as the user does not deactivate the function. Users of Apple and Google devices are aware of a similar offering from their manufacturers.

With its news product, Taboola finally generates more impressions for publishers and thus not only increases its income, but also its own income. Device manufacturers and mobile network providers certainly require a stake as well, but they seem convinced of this model: Xiaomi speaks of a “long-term strategic partnership”. Participating markets in Europe include Germany, Great Britain, Italy and France. In addition to Xiaomi, there are other users of Taboola News, for example in the American continent with Samsung Brazil and América Móvil.

Vince Fernandez

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