Snow in Auvergne, long night on the Clermont-Paris train, Sarkozy polls and the Elysee … Highlights of this Tuesday

Snow made his appearance in Cantal on Tuesday, November 2. After a cool and wet weekend, the department experienced its first (small) fall offensive. The snow is there, but the highways remain, for the moment, open.
The Sancy massif has also changed to winter time. At least its peaks, evidenced by the snowfall visible in webcams from the Sancy site. Snowflakes covered the heights, from Mont-Dore to Super Besse, lightly dusting the slopes of the Chastreix-Sancy station.

Significant delays continue for Clermont-Paris

Those who took the last Intercités, on Monday night, to reach Clermont-Ferrand in Paris have spent most of the night on the train. They arrived in the capital not far from 4 in the morning, the incidents having multiplied since the end of the afternoon. Delays have accumulated for this last train of the afternoon, but also for those at the end of the afternoon. The animals run over on the track and then a power outage are the cause of these new delays.

Disturbing disappearance of a 60-year-old near Singles

After a highway exit near Singles, a small town in Puy-de-Dôme near Corrèze, Maurice Lepeytre, 61, a resident of Larodde, has not shown any signs of life since Sunday, October 31 at 1 the dawn. The gendarmes are looking for him. A call for witnesses is launched.

In Azéma’s case, should ASM Clermont drop the case?

The appointment of Franck Azéma as coach of RC Toulon has rekindled tensions between the former ASM sporting director and the Auvergne club over his contract termination. We talk about it in the new episode of the Ici Montferrand podcast >> You can listen to it here

Elysee polls: Forced to testify, Sarkozy remains silent

“Perfectly unconstitutional” and “totally disproportionate”: Nicolas Sarkozy denounced this Tuesday in the bar the decision of the Paris court that forced him to testify in the trial of his former relatives in the case of the Elysee polls. Protected by the Constitution, the former head of state has never been prosecuted or heard about suspicions of favoritism and embezzlement of public funds about which his former collaborators have been explained since October 18.

Jamie Franklin

"Troublemaker. Typical travel fan. Food fanatic. Award-winning student. Organizer. Entrepreneur. Bacon specialist."

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