Berlin/Bonn (dpa/tmn) – Whether shopping for clothes online or sending a quick parcel to friends: Thanks to the customs union, shipping goods within the EU is quite simple. However, since Brexit, Britain is no longer part of it, and that has an impact, also on parcel and parcel shipping.
The new prices have been in effect here since the beginning of the year. With Deutsche Post DHL, sending a package weighing up to 5 kilograms at the branch now costs EUR 29.99; to all other EU countries it costs EUR 17.99 in this category.
And: Where previously the package could be simply shipped, now a customs declaration or commercial invoice must be attached, depending on the shipment. These include a description and value of the goods to be shipped. Instructions on how to complete the customs declaration can be found on the website of the provider Deutsche Post DHL.
Customs declaration must be completed
If the postage is done online, the data for the customs declaration can be entered into an input mask and printed, depending on the provider. Whether online or in store: In either case, the full declaration of contents must be placed in a clear mailing bag on the outside of the package on the address side.
But parcels and packages from Great Britain to Germany are also subject to customs duties at the beginning of the year. “The importation of goods from Great Britain is now managed at customs in the same way as from other countries outside the EU,” explains AndrĂ© Lenz, deputy press spokesman for the General Directorate of Customs in Bonn.
Import duties depending on the type and value of the goods
The payment of customs duties or taxes depends on the type and value of the goods. Therefore, the package sent as a gift from the aunt in England remains tax free, as long as it does not exceed a value of 45 euros. Even the smallest online orders with a merchandise value of up to 22 euros can usually be imported duty free.
If this value is exceeded, import sales tax, excise tax and, where applicable, a customs fee will be added. More detailed information can be found on the customs website. So if you’re just ordering a pair of designer shoes or an electronic from the UK, you should expect additional fees.
Due to the change, shipping times may also be longer. The customs expert advises: “It is important for a fast delivery that the documents and information necessary for customs clearance are available and plausible.” Delays may occur if the information is incorrect or incomplete.
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