Why do immigrants want to go to England?

In recent months, the number of immigrants has increased significantly between France and England, in the south of the United Kingdom. To get to this territory you have to cross a sea: the English Channel. Several migrants drowned while attempting this dangerous crossing. But why do they want to go there? The video response.

Why do immigrants want to go to England?

They fled poverty, sometimes war… They traveled all over Europe to the French town of Calais. The hope of these thousands of migrants? get to england and, more widely, the UK clandestinely.

Why this country?

first because many have family there, Knowledge. A valuable help when you arrive, often without even a piece of luggage. In the UK, immigrants can also speak english, because it is the foreign language they know best. Convenient to communicate! Finally everyone thinks work fast, because for a long time it has been easy to find a small job in this country, even without authorization.

Yes, but here it is: the UK is less and less welcoming for migrants. The laws have changed. Especially, cross the channelit is more and more dangerous. Although there are only… 30 kilometers to go! The controls have become so strict that it is not it is almost no longer possible to use the tunnel, hidden in trucks. migrants then embark at night in fragile boats, risking their lives after having paid dearly[{” attribute=””>passeurs : des malfaiteurs qui profitent de leur situation. Pourtant, rien ne semble arrêter leur espoir de reconstruire leur vie. Depuis 2020, le nombre de migrants qui tentent de traverser la Manche ne cesse d’augmenter.  

Catherine Ganet

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