UK to immediately impose tough ‘economic sanctions’ on Russia: Prime Minister Boris Johnson – Reuters

LONDON (AP) — Britain will immediately impose tough economic sanctions on Russia after President Vladimir Putin ordered the deployment of troops to two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Tuesday.

Johnson told reporters:

We will immediately institute a set of economic sanctions.

The sanctions, he said, would be “aimed not only at entities in Donbass, Lugansk and Donetsk, but at Russia itself, targeting Russian economic interests as much as possible.”

Putin will find that he has “grossly miscalculated” if Russia invades Ukraine, Johnson said, adding that Moscow seemed to want a full-scale invasion.

Johnson chaired a meeting of Britain’s National Emergency Security Committee on Tuesday.

“I think the tragedy of the current situation is that President Putin has surrounded himself with like-minded advisers who tell him that Ukraine is not a real country. And I think he’s going to find out that he miscalculated,” Johnson said. he told reporters after the meeting.

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