UK: Lawmaker wants to differentiate between real fiber and fake fiber

In the UK, lawmakers are beginning to address a problem that plagued France a few years ago, the naming of fiber offers when the last few meters are of another technology.

Fake fiber, real fiber… A few years ago a debate began in France to differentiate fiber with coaxial termination (FTTLA)n sold in particular by SFR, from end-to-end fiber (FTTH). And today, this debate is launched in the UK.

More clarity to differentiate between different technologies

Through the Channel, operators could use the terms fiber and all fiber in the future on their website and in their contracts only, if the customer is served by an end-to-end fiber optic network (FTTH), d ‘ after consulting with Ofcom, the UK regulator. In addition, customers will be entitled to a brief description of the technology used at home, to better inform the British.

As in France at the time, the rapid deployment of fiber optics means that various technologies co-exist and will co-exist for a few more years. Which confuses consumers, especially when two networks are quite close and adopt the same name.

The term fiber is used quite inconsistently, mixing various technologies such as FTTH with fiber terminated copper (FTTDP), where the last few meters continue to be in the copper network. This has the effect of confusing consumers who don’t know what technology is used in their home.

Which tends to prove the study of the regulator. Only 46% of users who think they have FTTH at home actually have FTTH in areas where the technology is available. Furthermore, almost 27% of Internet subscribers are not confident that they understand the terminology used by operators.

The British Telecom Police wants users to be better informed in future so they can better choose their Internet subscription and be able to take advantage of FTTH as soon as it is available at home.

The public consultation is open until May 3 and could eventually force operators to be more clear about what they offer to customers.

Dennis Alvarado

"Total social media fan. Travel maven. Evil coffee nerd. Extreme zombie specialist. Wannabe baconaholic. Organizer."

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