UK exit from the European Union -Brexit: an official site to answer your practical questions

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On December 31, 2020 at midnight, European Union law will cease to apply in the UK. British living in France, French living in the UK, a company working with the UK, you are directly affected by Brexit. Citizen or economic actor, you ask yourself many practical questions. « » is the government website that provides French citizens and businesses with practical information related to the UK’s exit from the European Union.

From the home page of

, you access the information that concerns you according to your personal situation:

  • You are French:
    • live in the UK: right of residence, health, retirement
    • works in the UK: working conditions, social benefits
    • you are studying in the UK: right of residence, recognition of qualifications, researcher status
    • travels to the UK: travel organization, health, school trips, passenger rights
    • plan to return to France: retirement, social benefits
  • You are British (English and French version):
    • live in France: right to vote, right of residence, access to healthcare, retirement, driver’s license, justice
    • works in France: working conditions, social benefits
    • travels to France: pets, travel organization, health.
  • You are a company: import / export, employment of British people, information specific to your activity sector, intellectual property, data protection, services, taxation, URSSAF. You can also establish a self-diagnosis

    and review all the situations that may affect your business.

Vince Fernandez

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