The UK is looking for the next generation of inspiring tech companies

In 2023, the UK tech ecosystem reached a major milestone by becoming the third in the world to reach a total valuation of $1 trillion, after the US and China.

If we look at the number of British companies that exceed $1 billion in valuation, we see that the UK has more than all other European countries combined. And this dynamism of British tech unicorns is just one indicator among others of their unique status. Over the past decades, the country has become a scientific and technological superpower with one of the most impressive startup ecosystems in the world and has managed to attract the best entrepreneurial talent from all over. Proof of this is: among the fastest-growing tech companies in the country, almost two out of five have at least one foreign founder. Also, a quarter of the beneficiaries of international talent visas are company founders.

HE Unicorn Kingdom: Pathfinder Awards (UKPA) are the latest initiative by the UK government to identify the most promising technology companies abroad. The aim is to support French companies wishing to set up in the UK so that they can benefit from support, investment and a network of innovators.

International technology companies, here is everything you need to know about Unicorn Kingdom: Pathfinder Awards or UKPA.

What are the UKPA?

UKPAs offer scale-up businesses the enviable opportunity to access a rich technology landscape, with a vast funding ecosystem and a quality talent pool.

To be eligible to apply and qualify for the UKPA, businesses must meet the following criteria:
1. Be an established technology company operating in one of these four sectors: Artificial Intelligence, cybersecurity, connected and automated mobility (CAM) or e-commerce solutions.
2. Develop products or services that can be used internationally.
3. I am not yet based in the UK, but I plan to move there in the next two years.

The UK Department for Business and Trade (DBT) offers winners access to a tailor-made programme in the UK, aimed at giving them access to numerous resources and contacts that can help them establish themselves in the country. This includes direct support from the DBT Global Entrepreneur Programme (a kind of accelerator run by the British government), through connections with public and private sector experts, as well as through invitations to exclusive events.

“For ambitious tech companies, there is no better place than the UK's vibrant and growing trillion-dollar tech ecosystem.”explains Chris Barton, UK Trade Commissioner for Europe.

“UKPAs provide a direct route, specifically designed for financial institutions, incubators or tech-savvy clients, and provide the infrastructure needed to help them take their next big step – from scaling up to potentially becoming one of the 140+ unicorns in the UK.”

What the UK can offer disruptive science companies

In recent years, the United Kingdom has stepped up its efforts in several cutting-edge sectors of scientific and technological innovation, with the aim of becoming an international leader in several specific areas.

The UKPA has therefore defined the four key categories mentioned above in which extensions should operate.

Artificial intelligence is one of the sectors in which the UK has rapidly established itself as a leader. It is estimated that 1.3 million UK businesses will be using some form of AI by 2040, with spending on AI development set to reach £200bn a year by then. Last year, the UK hosted the AI ​​Safety Summit at Bletchley Park, a forty-minute train ride north of London. It was the first global summit to bring together policymakers, technology leaders and scientists to examine the opportunities and risks associated with these new technologies. The summit highlighted the strong network the UK can already rely on, from software company Stability AI (behind Stable Diffusion) to semiconductor manufacturer Graphcore.

Cybersecurity is a second area where the UK is leading the way in terms of innovation. There are already close to 300 international cybersecurity companies present in the country, not to mention British leaders such as Darktrace or Sophos. This growth was made possible by the Cyber ​​Security Strategy programme launched by the UK government in 2022, which outlined opportunities for public and private innovation in the sector.

As part of the transition to net zero emissions, the British government wants to invest in projects that are likely to help it modernise its infrastructure, and in particular in technologies linked to connected and automated mobility. The issues surrounding the emergence of smart and sustainable mobility are on everyone’s minds; there is a clear interest in supporting companies that drive innovation in this direction.

Finally, when it comes to e-commerce solutions, the UK has always played a central role in global trade; this is one of the advantages of its insularity, which has historically pushed it to form long-lasting trade partnerships. The UK is interested in the future of trade, including digital customs, digital identities, electronic trade documents and digital invoicing.

If you believe you fall into the same category as these companies and are eligible for the UKPA, you can apply before 30 April. here.

Dennis Alvarado

"Total social media fan. Travel maven. Evil coffee nerd. Extreme zombie specialist. Wannabe baconaholic. Organizer."

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