The FIA ​​goes to Nice for Germany / The 12-year-old boy’s song is called Without words

Junior ESC 2023: The FIA ​​travels to Nice for Germany / The 12-year-old’s song is called Without Words. Erfurt – The FIA ​​represents Germany with the song “Without Words” at this year’s Junior ESC. The 12-year-old beat four other young talents. The German law could be voted on online and the FIA ​​was the clear favorite. An international jury of experts, including Kelvin Jones, Tom Gregory and other music experts, also voted first for the FIA. The 21st edition of the Junior ESC will take place on Sunday, November 26, 2023, under the motto “Heroes” in Nice instead of .

FIA lives with his family in Berlin and was born in Shanghai. When she asks the 12-year-old about her hobbies, the first thing she says is “acting.” She is the cheerleader of her family, she sings and dances non-stop, but she also loves to climb and swim. She impressed on this year’s season of “The Voice Kids” and made it to the finals with the help of ESC winner Lena Meyer-Landrut.

The FIA ​​not only impresses with its way of singing, but also because it translates the lyrics of the song accompanied by gestures. Her little sister inspired her to do this. The song “Speechless” is also about the connection between the two brothers.

Now begins an exciting journey for the FIA ​​until its grand appearance on the international stage in Nice. Studio production of the song is upcoming, as is filming of a music video. She also accompanies her in the preparations for “KiKA LIVE” (KiKA).

The “Junior ESC 2023” (NDR) will be broadcast live on the KiKA and platforms on November 26, 2023 from 4:00 p.m. The organizer is France Télévisions, in collaboration with the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). In addition to Germany, the following countries are participating: Albania, Armenia, Estonia, France, Georgia, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Ukraine.

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Original content from: KiKA – The ARD/ZDF children’s channel broadcast by news aktuell

Hayden Sherman

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