Berlin (dpa/tmn) – Since the EU’s Brexit at the beginning of 2021, EU roaming regulations no longer apply to Great Britain. Since then, network operators in Germany voluntarily treat the country as if there had been no Brexit and want to do the same in 2024, reports the telecommunications portal “”, which asked Telekom, Vodafone and O2 (Telefónica). has.
Telephoning and browsing in other EU countries regulated by the European Union is often called “roaming at home”. Europeans traveling to another EU country are only charged the same amount for phone calls, text messages and data as they pay at home: flat phone and data rates can largely be used as at home.
To be safe, keep an eye on rates
Since network operators reserve the right to make possible adjustments in the future, experts recommend, as before every trip abroad and before a trip to Great Britain, to be on the safe side, always check your provider’s rates and pay attention to the information. in the welcome SMS you receive upon arrival the first time your smartphone logs into another country’s network.
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