Suez chooses Pyrum pyrolysis technology for its future factory

French water and waste management specialist Suez, through its UK subsidiary, has just signed a one-year exclusive agreement with Pyrum, the German expert in pyrolysis recycling. The collaboration aims to build a chemical recycling plant for end-of-life tyres, which will be the first in the UK to use Pyrum’s new patented pyrolysis recycling technology. The facility is expected to include three pyrolysis reactors, with a recycling capacity of 20,000 tonnes of tyres per year.

Pyrolysis technology developed by Pyrum makes it possible to recover the raw materials that make up the tyre, namely petroleum, carbon black and pyrolysis gas. The petroleum will be recovered by the German chemical company BASF for recycling, the carbon black will be reused in the manufacture of new tyres and the pyrolysis gas will be used as fuel to power the factory.

With its experience in implementing new infrastructure, Suez is the natural choice to pioneer this innovative technology in the UK, which will significantly reduce [jusqu’à 72 %, N.D.L.R.] CO emissions2 compared to current recycling technologies “said John Scanlon, managing director of SUEZ in the United Kingdom.

This project is being developed in a context where around 50 million tyres (480,000 tonnes) are discarded every year in the UK. Currently, 13.4 million of these (27%) are used as alternative fuels. Some are mechanically recycled (by shredding and grinding) to form a material called crumb (“crumbs” in French), used in the construction of sports fields or playgrounds. The rest is then sent to landfill. In total, more than half of end-of-life tyres are not recycled.

The roll-out of our unique technology in Europe continues to move forward. With Suez, we are partnering with one of the leading companies in sustainable solutions and innovative technologies to develop the UK’s circular economy. (…) The first site will be identified as soon as possible. We will then work to complete the approval process with local authorities. “, added Pascal Klein, CEO of Pyrum Innovations AG.

Dennis Alvarado

"Total social media fan. Travel maven. Evil coffee nerd. Extreme zombie specialist. Wannabe baconaholic. Organizer."

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