“Smart technologies to control the cold chain”

For over 15 years, companies have used Xsense® data loggers to monitor their entire cold chain with segmentation. This allowed them to identify problem areas, improve operations, reduce waste and save money.

According to Rob Williams, CEO of Xsense: “Our RF data loggers are widely used. We have an extensive network of gateways around the world to read our recorders and segment your journey. For example, a shipment of avocados can be sent from Kenya to the United Kingdom. In Nairobi, avocados are transported by truck from the warehouse to the airport. The pallets are then transferred to a plane and sent by air freight to Belgium. The pallets are moved from the plane to a warehouse at the airport, then loaded onto a trailer and transported by truck to the UK, where they arrive at a warehouse where they are stored until they break down. »

Intelligent cold chain monitoring
Israel-based Xsense is a provider of smart monitoring solutions for all parts of the cold chain. It offers tailored solutions for origin (field, factory, warehouse), transit (air, sea, land or rail), destination (supermarket, retailers) and intermediate points (ports, terminals, distribution centers). The company is a pioneer in the application of wireless data loggers to the cold chain.

“We have worked with our partners and customers to place walkways at each crossing point along the route. They receive live data at each point and know exactly when and where goods arrived and left, much more accurately than with a traditional real-time recorder. Since we can see what happened during each segment, we can issue segment-specific alerts, so that if something goes wrong, the correct party is notified. »

Selon lui, les enregistreurs dairy products. The company has a portfolio of blue-chip clients, including some of the largest companies in key markets around the world.

“Finally, if customers need deeper analysis of their cold chain, for example to uncover non-obvious issues and features, we have in-house tools and data scientists to perform historical data analysis. Our tools allow the user to observe characteristics of entire shipments or specific segments. The results of logistics providers can be compared. »

For more information :
Rob Williams
[email protected]

Publication date:

Dennis Alvarado

"Total social media fan. Travel maven. Evil coffee nerd. Extreme zombie specialist. Wannabe baconaholic. Organizer."

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