Relaunch of new construction, fiscal tools, MaPrimeRénov', DPE: Ch.Béchu announces progress

Two days after the Prime Minister's general policy speech, Christophe Béchu made a series of new announcements aimed at those interested in the real estate sector. All gathered, this January 31, 2024 at the Roquelaure hotel on the occasion of the wish ceremony, were able to hear the Minister of Ecological Transition recognize the extent to which “the term [était] difficult” for your sector. From “lines of reflection” It will soon be opened to try to remedy the situation.

Experience of “new financial tools”

In terms of supply shock, the minister asks “Assess new financial tools such as bullet loans, or the mortgage model, as practiced in other countries”. The idea: modify part of the rules to “return m² to buyers and a respite for those involved in construction”. In this type of loan, the borrower pays the interest and insurance in the form of monthly payments and then the loan amount during the last monthly payment. Regarding revitalizing the offer, the minister plans to launch “Innovative fiscal and financial tools to encourage elected officials and operators to produce more housing”. Discussions should be initiated with interested parties “in the next few days”said Christophe Béchu.

Simplification of MaPrimeRénov' is planned

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Vince Fernandez

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