La Vitre, a futuristic technology to find partners

Imagine… You are in telecommuting, at home, in front of your computer. Suddenly, someone knocks on the window and shows you the latest model of the prototype you’re working on. You immediately interact with him, asking him to correct this or that rating, according to your plans. And, hey, how about we take the opportunity to have a coffee and have a casual chat? This is not science fiction: this technological solution exists and is called, precisely, La Vitre.

Imagined by the startup of the same name, based between Paris and Nantes, this “virtual window” recreates a sense of presence, a bit like you’re sharing the same premises while working remotely. “Basically, we developed this solution to meet our own needs,” says Romuald Le Boulanger, co-founder of La Vitre. We needed a constant exchange between our offices in Paris and Nantes. Of course, we could have fixed meetings by videoconference. But the objective was precisely to return to these professional exchanges the fluidity that they would have had if we had been in the same room.”

Specifically, the Window is made up of a camera system and a large screen, permanently on during working hours, which reproduces the image of your remote colleague in real size. “It changes everything, because we find ourselves with the feeling of sharing the same office, without the inconvenience of having to agree on a (…)

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Dennis Alvarado

"Total social media fan. Travel maven. Evil coffee nerd. Extreme zombie specialist. Wannabe baconaholic. Organizer."

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