Flash Results (RBGP.L) RBG HOLDINGS reports first half revenue of £20.5 million. -September 28, 2023 at 08:12

RBG Holdings plc is a professional services company based in the United Kingdom. The Company’s operations include Rosenblatt, Memery Crystal and Convex Capital Limited (Convex Capital). Rosenblatt offers a range of legal services to his diverse clientele, which includes corporations, banks, entrepreneurs and individuals. Memery Crystal offers legal services in a variety of areas, such as corporate law (including a corporate finance offering), real estate, commercial law, intellectual property and technology (CIPT), banking and finance, tax and estate structuring, as well as employment. . Memery Crystal offers a partner-led service to a variety of clients, from multinational corporations and financial institutions to owner-managed businesses and sole traders. Convex Capital is a corporate finance company based in Manchester. Convex Capital focuses on helping companies, particularly entrepreneurial and owner-managed businesses, realize their value by selling to large corporations.

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Vince Fernandez

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