For more than fifty years, the gold standard has been to store donor organs on ice at around freezing point. They are packed in a protective liquid and submerged in
Een korte dagelijkse wandeling kan al een zeer gunstig effect hebben op je gezondheid. Volgens onderzoekers van de University of Cambridge kan een op de tien voortijdige overlijdens voorkomen worden
Fruit and vegetable purees, baby formulas, fruit-flavored follow-on milks and baby biscuits: store shelves are full of them. But if you want to buy these products, it's best to look
The Dutch Psychiatric Association (NVvP) officially expressed its regret on Thursday afternoon over this “black page in the history of psychiatry.” At the annual spring conference of the association of
Where does this news come from? Vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella It is included in the basic vaccination schedule and is offered free of charge. All three vaccines are
Where does this news come from? The American website 'The Huffington Post' published a list of European countries with the element in which each of those countries obtains the worst
Where does this news come from? Researchers from 15 universities gathered data from 13 countries on temperatures and death rates from 1985 to 2012. They wanted to determine which temperatures
news A bedding company, Get Laid Beds, conducted the
The British government calls for the end of the four-day working week in local authorities | Economy
26 okt 2023 om 21:11 Update: een maand geleden Britain’s national government said on Thursday that local authorities should stop testing a four-day work week for their employees. This would
US President Joe Biden reprimanded a man who interrupted his speech to call for greater climate protection during a speech on democracy. “If you keep your mouth shut, we will