Breast size affects physical activity

The size of the breasts is a decisive factor in the practice of physical activity, according to a study published in the journal Journal of Reconstructive Surgery (JPRAS) Open. In fact, the more women had large breasts, the less physical exercise they would do, and vice versa.

Women with large breasts do not do high intensity exercise

In their work, the researchers wanted to measure the impact of breast size on women’s sports habits and the impact of breast reduction surgery. To do this, they used data from 1,987 women registered with Parkrun Limited, an organization that offers careers in the United Kingdom.

The women were over 18 years old, had no history of breast cancer, and were required to answer a survey (questions about their exercise habits, breast size, breast modification surgery, etc.). 56 of them had undergone breast reduction.

The first lesson from this study is that women with larger breasts play sports less frequently and avoid high-intensity exercise, compared to those with smaller breasts.

Breast reduction helps to exercise more

Then, the researchers’ second observation is that women who had undergone breast reduction had more pleasure in doing physical exercises and therefore participated more in them. They also had better performances than before.

Women who had undergone breast reduction reported an overall increase in frequency, enjoyment, and willingness to exercise in a group setting.“, explains Dr. Claire Baxter, author of the study, in a release. Our study found that breast size affects exercise habits and that breast reduction surgery changes your willingness to exercise.

The authors advocate for better access to breast reduction and better care by health systems. In France, the bilateral reduction mastoplasty is covered by health insurance, if the the resection weight is greater than or equal to 300 grams per breast.

Jamie Franklin

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