Shareholders vote on Shell’s exit to the UK. The founder of this multinational is Aeilko Zijlker, son of a farmer from Nieuw Beerta.

Aeilko Zijlker (right) at the first Telaga Said oil well. Photo: Archive and Historical Heritage

The story goes that during an inspection trip to a tobacco field in Sumatra, Aeilko Zijlker is attacked by a tropical storm. As he seeks refuge in a tobacco shed, his gaze falls on the torch of the supervisor beside him. He asks what kind of wood the torch is made of. He suspects that it must contain a lot of resin, otherwise it would never give as much light. The supervisor tells him that the torch has been dipped in ‘earth wax’, which bubbles up from the bottom in many places in the area.

Jamie Franklin

"Troublemaker. Typical travel fan. Food fanatic. Award-winning student. Organizer. Entrepreneur. Bacon specialist."

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