United Kingdom: pub terraces, hairdressers and gyms reopen after a confined winter

After a long confined winter, it is an “almost” normal life which resumes today in the UK. Confined for the third time at the beginning of January, the health situation has improved significantly since then. There are currently less than 3,000 cases and less than 50 deaths per day. This progress, with vaccination in full swing, now allows for very gradual deconfinement.

A strict health protocol

The reopening of pubs and terraces follows a very strict protocol. Consumption must be done outdoor. two meters are mandatory between tables, with each no more than six people. Two out of three pubs will remain closed this Monday, due to lack of terrace.

In England, in addition to reopening of pub and restaurant terracesnon-essential businesses such as clothing store EITHER Beauty salons May reopen on Monday. As for leisure, the English can return to gyms, spas, libraries, go to the zoo and go on holiday to England, as long as they remain among members of the same household.

“A great relief”

“I'm sure this will be a huge relief for business owners who have been closed for so long and for everyone else, this is an opportunity to start doing some of the things we love again and who do we miss”, Prime Minister Boris Johnson rejoiced in a press release. This is a long-awaited reactivation of the economy, hard hit by the pandemic, although the British Beer and Pub Association estimates that Only 40% of pubs in England have enough outdoor space to reopen.

The reopening of the indoor dining room is only planned during The next stage of deconfinement, on May 17. at the same time as hotels, performance halls and stadium stands, with limited capacity.

Jamie Franklin

"Troublemaker. Typical travel fan. Food fanatic. Award-winning student. Organizer. Entrepreneur. Bacon specialist."

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