The French are emotionally attracted to 4.75 brands – Image

According to the second edition of the study “The relational economy” Conducted by Twilio, with 6,000 consumers and 1,800 marketing experts in Europe, the French maintain “free” relationships with brands, calling into question the notion of long-term loyalty. French consumers are emotionally attracted to around 4.75 brands, and only 23% of them are loyal in their relationships with them. 40% of marketers feel “increased pressure” to increase communication frequency. However, 15% of French consumers have grown tired of brands that have tried to contact them too frequently, with commercial calls, messages or even marketing emails, for example.

According to Twilio, brands must also take into account existing consumer needs. 54% of marketers say that keeping up with changing customer needs and behaviors is “one of the biggest challenges” to maintaining a relationship with them. Finally, faced with increasingly less loyal consumers, Twilio encourages brands to rely on first-hand data. For 51% of marketers surveyed, first-party data enables more precise personalization and, for 56%, it leads to better customer experiences, thereby strengthening engagement.

Vince Fernandez

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