RELX PLC: JPMorgan Still a Buy – October 20, 2023 at 2:01 pm

Present internationally, RELX PLC provides information and analytical tools to professional clients and companies in various sectors of activity. It operates in four main segments: – the scientific, technical and medical field (34% of turnover): the group contributes to the scientific progress of its clients and helps them improve healthcare by offering them first-rate analytical and information solutions that They allow you to make crucial decisions, improve your productivity and optimize your results; – risk and commercial analysis (34%): the group provides solutions and tools for decision making by combining public or sector content with cutting-edge technologies and analytical tools. These solutions help clients such as businesses and governments evaluate and anticipate risks, make more informed decisions, reduce fraud and improve their operational efficiency; – the legal field (20.8%): RELX Group is one of the main providers of information and analytical solutions dedicated to professionals in companies, governments, non-profit organizations and the legal field; – fairs (11.2%): in 2022, the group organized 254 fairs in 22 countries. These events and the information tools provided help exhibitors generate billions of dollars in revenue, while boosting local economies in the regions that host these shows. The geographical distribution of turnover is as follows: United Kingdom (6.4%), Europe (14.7%), North America (59.6%) and others (19.3%).

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Vince Fernandez

"Professional food trailblazer. Devoted communicator. Friendly writer. Avid problem solver. Tv aficionado. Lifelong social media fanatic."

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