Five books to read during the Rugby World Cup

Escot in his 101

Of “alignment” players in contact until “brand area” passing through “collision”, Current topic with Antoine Dupont’s injury, our colleague Richard Escot enlightens us on the new words of rugby through this small work. He identified 101, based on practice or drawn from history and literature, with the friendly participation of Frédéric Michalak, Pierre Berbizier, Lucien Mias, Abdelatif Benazzi…

The new 101 words of rugby, 101 words collection, Archibooks. €12.90.

Showbiz reinvented

What rugby lover is unaware of the history of Showbizz, these five from the Racing Club de France (Lafond, Guillard, Rousset, Blanc and Mesnel) who went down in posterity in the 1980s and 1990s? For this reason, we welcome the first comic strip dedicated to them with a true feeling of freshness. Franck Mesnel, common thread of an excellent scenario by Philippe Charlot and Philippe Pelaez, supported the designer Miras: “For him, rugby was a new world. I reassured him that it was not a story about rugby players but about boys, moods and differences.”

like butterflies, Bamboo Editorial, Grand Angle collection. 19.90 euros.

Female Male

On one side, Glenn, an orphan teenager, from the first half of the 19th century, driven towards the very select Rugby school in the United Kingdom that, despite itself, will be at the origin of the practice of this sport as it is currently practiced. On the other, Charlie, a teenager today, for whom practicing this sport is more than a passion but who must recover from leukemia. The story will immerse readers in the heart of two parallel adventures that come together.

Stories in body to body, by Hélène Gloria, Actes Sud Jeunesse. €15.80.

Behind the scenes of the locker rooms (and restaurants)

Gilles Navarro invites us to a tasting in search of great rugby-loving chefs and rugby players with a Pantagruelian fork. Guilhem Guirado, the Catalan, makes us salivate with “picolat bowls”. We share the ” simple “ Spanish Dorada with Serge Blanco. It’s also fun to remember that rugby is about cooking when a player “make a spoon” or distribute two or three “candy”.

The great melee, cooking and rugby, Solar. €35.

An excellent dan

Vaincre, former flyhalf for the Blacks and Racing 92, three times the best player in the world, has dominated quite a bit. Therefore, it is credible to provide these ten lessons. Change your goals? Accept pressure as an opportunity? Get out of the red zone? Retired since 2021, Carter offers a method aimed at both athletes and those who want to progress daily in their professional activities.

Dan Carter, the art of winning, by Dan Carter Marabout. €22.90.

Jamie Franklin

"Troublemaker. Typical travel fan. Food fanatic. Award-winning student. Organizer. Entrepreneur. Bacon specialist."

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