On December 31, 2020 at midnight, European Union law will cease to apply in the UK. British living in France, French living in the UK, a company working with the UK, you are directly affected by Brexit. Citizen or economic actor, you ask yourself many practical questions. « www.brexit.gouv.fr » is the government website that provides French citizens and businesses with practical information related to the UK’s exit from the European Union.
From the home page of www.brexit.gouv.fr
, you access the information that concerns you according to your personal situation:
- You are French:
- live in the UK: right of residence, health, retirement
- works in the UK: working conditions, social benefits
- you are studying in the UK: right of residence, recognition of qualifications, researcher status
- travels to the UK: travel organization, health, school trips, passenger rights
- plan to return to France: retirement, social benefits
- You are British (English and French version):
- live in France: right to vote, right of residence, access to healthcare, retirement, driver’s license, justice
- works in France: working conditions, social benefits
- travels to France: pets, travel organization, health.
- You are a company: import / export, employment of British people, information specific to your activity sector, intellectual property, data protection, services, taxation, URSSAF. You can also establish a self-diagnosis
and review all the situations that may affect your business.
Namely: This site is produced under the responsibility of the General Secretariat for European Affairs (SGAE), serving the Prime Minister.
A notator: Service-Public.fr it is now available in English. On each information sheet, you can choose this option. The changes in the rights and procedures that Brexit implies will be made from the first days of January 2021 and as the legislative and regulatory texts are published.
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