81% of ecommerce sites sell across multiple marketplaces

Stripe’s report reveals that the vast majority of online shopping sites operate in multiple markets. 18% of them sell in more than 11 different markets.

A study published by Stripe shows that international trade is supported by the boom in exports of digital services and physical goods through electronic channels. This report also points to optimism on the part of companies and customers regarding the prospects offered by the globalized economy.

The internationalization of electronic commerce

50% of business leaders surveyed believe it is easier to run an international business today than it was five years ago and 66% plan to expand to other countries for the next two years. The vast majority (89%) believe that increasing access to technology and tools is key to a smooth transition to international expansion.

Exchanges are not only made between border markets

41% of UK companies, 61% of French companies and 60% of German companies selling internationally have started exporting to a country of the European Union. However, when asked about the future markets to conquer, the companies put focus on growth potential rather than geography or cultural similarities. 59% of them choose their new markets according to this criteria: Southeast Asia, South America and India appear here as future targets for companies in the process of expansion.

For french companies, Germany appears as a destination forfastest growing digital export (89%) in 2022. More generally, French, German, Irish and Japanese e-commerce sites are used to exporting to the US, UK, Ireland, Germany and Belgium. While these countries trade with economic players located on two continents (America and Europe), other e-commerce players are increasing their presence on three continents. This is particularly the case for Australian, Mexican, Singaporean, British and US companies, which mainly export to the Americas, Europe and Asia.

Cross-border trade rooted in consumer habits

If companies are turning to foreign markets, it is also in response to consumer demands. 68% of them are willing to buy material goods and 59% to buy digital services. with a company based in another country. The numbers look even higher among consumers aged 18-34: 76% say they are ready to buy physical goods and 74% digital services abroad.

Method :

The Stripe survey was conducted in June 2023 among more than 1,700 business leaders from Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Dennis Alvarado

"Total social media fan. Travel maven. Evil coffee nerd. Extreme zombie specialist. Wannabe baconaholic. Organizer."

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